Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Freeradius receives a request from a NAS sent to IP address a.b.c.d;
> it handles the request, and sends back a reply without explicitly
> choosing a source IP address for the socket -- it may be the right IP
> address, it may be (depending on what the kernel decides) a wrong one.

  Ah, OK.  That's why some systems have a 'sendtofrom', where you can
specify the source IP address.

  The solution for FreeRADIUS would be to extend the 'bind_address' to
something like a colon-seperated list of addresses.  The server core
would then have to be modified to keep track of multiple sockets, and
to do a select() across all of them.

  Not much else in the server would change, as packets are sent out
the same fd from which they're received.

> Just a wishlist request, really, and a tongue-in-cheek response to your=20
> post -- maybe the bass-ackwards radius server the original poster is
> connecting to is a multihomed freeradius server? ;)

  Hmm... I can't help but feel at least partially responsible for such
a situatuion.

  Alan DeKok.

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