Leonard Childers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess I have misunderstood everything. I am running cistron radius

  Then you're even ruder than I thought.  You're asking questions on
the FreeRADIUS list.  See the list name?  It says FREERADIUS.  It
doesn't say CISTRON.

  I'm appalled at your behaviour.

> it can do both. I have some users in the user file and the rest on the 
> system. We have 10 different nas that verify thru cistron and some only 
> work with chap and the other use pap.

  But NOTHING can do CHAP authentication against /etc/passwd.  The
whole system was designed to make that impossible.

  My suggestion is for you to go away, and never to post another
message to this list.  You've demonstrated a total inability to read
or understand the simplest concepts.

  Alan DeKok.

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