Hi Tom,

the mris_convert command line for converting curvature files is a bit
arcane (my fault). You need to specify that it is a "curvature" format file
with the -c option, and which one you want, but then you still need an
input surface in order to read it. So, from the surf directory you could

mris_convert -c ./lh.area lh.orig lh.area.asc

the values in the file lh.area.asc will then be the surface area of each
vertex. Note that the vertex #s are invariant across the different surface
representations, so you should be able to relate it to the vertices in the
patches with no trouble.

I don't really use the surf-sess stuff, I just start it from the command

tksurfer <subject name> <hemi> <surface name>


tksurfer tom lh inflated


Bruce Fischl                       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mass. General Hosp. NMR Center.    tel:(617)-726-4897
Rm. 2328, Building 149, 13th Street fax:(617)-726-7422
Charlestown, MA 02129   USA

 On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Tom Schoenemann wrote:

> Hi again,
> On Friday, June 7, 2002, at 06:38  PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> > Hi Tom,
> >
> > we write out an ?h.area file that contains the area of every vertex in
> > the tessellation (the average area of all triangles it is a member of).
> > You
> > should be able to convert it to ascii using mris_convert in the usual
> > way.
> When you say you "write out an ?h.area file...", what exactly does this
> mean?  In the process of following the tutorial, the program has
> produced files in the surf directory of the subject we are working on
> named: rh.area and lh.area, as well as a files for patches named
> rh.occip.patch.3d and  rh.occip.patch.flat.  The manual mentions a "-p"
> flag for mris_convert to use for patches.  Does this mean we don't need
> to produce some sort of a .area file for patches?
> We tried doing "mris_convert rh.area rh.area.asc" while in the surf
> directory and got only a segmentation fault after a fair amount of time
> (it was doing something).  Any thoughts about what is wrong?
> Also, in the manual under the section for mris_convert (p. 128-129),
> nothing is said about the area of every vertex being listed:
> "The first (non-comment) line contains the number of vertices
> <nvertices>  and the number of faces <nfaces> in the tessellation. The
> is followed by the <nvertices> lines of  3 floating point numbers and
> one integer. The 3 floats are the x y z coordinates of that vertex, and
> the  integer is a flag indicating whether the vertex is part of the
> tessellation (i.e. whether it has been cut out  (1) or not (0)).
> Directly following the vertex description are a list of the faces. Each
> line describing a face  contains 4 integers. The first three are the
> indices of the vertices making up that face, and the fourth is a flag,
> similar to the one above, indicating whether the face has been cut out
> of the tessellation (1) or not (0)."
> ???
> >
> > Also, note that the vertex index is invariant across the different
> > surface
> > representations, including flattened, so you can always relate data
> > across
> > them. As far as getting used to looking at the flatmaps, it takes a
> > little
> > bit of time, but it's not that bad. Probably the best thing to do is run
> > two copies of tksurfer, one with the inflated and one with the flattened
> > surfaces, and use send and goto point to see how they are related.
> >
> In the tksurfer guide
> (http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/docs/tksurfer_doc.html) is says:
> "TkSurfer can be started in any of three ways: launching it from
> FreeSurfer with the Surface button, using the tksurfer-sess script, and
> calling it from the command line. Depending on which method you use, you
> may see different types of data loaded, but all methods require a
> surface data set to be loaded."
> How exactly would one start another copy of tksurfer using the
> "tksurfer-sess script" or the command line?
> Thanks for any help you can provide,
> -Tom
> >
> > On Fri, 7 Jun 2002, Tom Schoenemann wrote:
> >
> >> Is there any way to get a measure of absolute surface area of, e.g.,
> >> the
> >> pial surface of an individual?  If so, can this be run on cut portions
> >> of the cortical surface (e.g., the occipical pole)? We worked our way
> >> to
> >> the point at which freesurfer has created a model of the surface of
> >> each
> >> hemisphere.  We are beginning to experiment with cuts as a prelude to
> >> flattening.  We would like to make comparisons between individuals in
> >> the size and distribution of surface area across the cortex.
> >>
> >> Also, it isn't clear from the guide how easy it would be to interpret
> >> the flattened cortex map.  That is, how do we know which part of the
> >> map
> >> corresponds to which part of the cortex, just by looking at the map
> >> itself.  Is the flattened map presented in some standardized
> >> perspective?
> >>
> >> Apologies if we have overlooked this in the guide and/or tutorial!
> >>
> >> -Tom
> _________________________________________________
> P. Thomas Schoenemann
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Anthropology
> University of Pennsylvania
> Philadelphia, PA 19104-6398
> Phone: (215) 573-7671
> Fax: (215) 898-7462
> Homepage: http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~ptschoen/
> >>
> >

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