Owen Densmore wrote:
> Just a poll of sorts:
> 1 - If you/we were to start an open source project, what would it be?
> 2 - What open source project would you like to see happen?
I'd like to see an interactive functional language like Haskell improved 
to quickly compile and distribute code across a set of compute nodes, 
and to at the same time support either homogeneous or heterogeneous node 
architectures while minimizing the cost of using either to the best 
extent possible.   I'd like to be able to checkpoint very large 
computations with minimal overhead and be confident about the integrity 
of live jobs migrated between machines  as well as jobs that were 
restarted from hibernation.    I'd like maps over sets, tree searches, 
etc. to all parallelize automatically and adaptively depending on the 
compute fabric provided.    Basically, I'd like features of Chapel or 
X10 reworked into a purely functional type of language and I'd like it 
to WORK and not just be an academic exercise.  I'd like a language that 
could support use cases like ABM or Genetic Programming such that 
evolution of agents and objects was completely natural and very efficient.

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