Nick / Eric -

   Judea Pearl's book "Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference" is  
actually pretty good -- somewhat technical, and not always convincing  
(to me :-),  but worth reading . . .


On Nov 12, 2007, at 12:29 PM, Eric Smith wrote:

> Hi Nick,
> I assume you already know about the work Judea Pearl did to define a
> notion of causality in the context of inference on Boolean networks?
> I don't have citations on this, because I only learned about it
> recently in someone's talk, but I gather it is fairly widely known.
> Happily it doesn't claim to address all questions in which a given
> kind of word appears, so it probably contributed something concrete to
> answering a single class of them.
> What is that old folk saying, said with a sigh?
> "Always a physicist, never a philosopher."
> Best,
> Eric
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