
I find it interesting that we are having this conversation while comfortably
seated  about 16 minutes from each
and all the rest of FRIAM remains thuddingly silent.  Do you suppose we said
something to offend them?


On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 8:44 PM, Steve Smith <> wrote:

>  Doug -
> On the other hand, top (top, top, top) level views which result in such
> profound observations such as
>    - Order matters, or
>    - Complexity is, or
>     - Taxonomies exist
> rarely hold much interest for me, unless they make the job of designing
> functional complex systems easier.
> Which is why I give you high marks for pragmatism!
> I have my own pragmatic side, which is why anybody ever pays me to do
> anything, but it is tempered (or sullied) by a certain sense of seeking and
> appreciating structure where I find (imagine?) it.
> Following Jack Horner's (Hi Jack!  Welcome to the Fun-House.) Rubles-worth
> on Cladistics, I appreciate the simple adoption of classification schemes
> for their pragmatic value and agree that this may lead to "many" which are
> "equal" or at least whose value is entirely contextually dependent.  I also
> appreciate the distinction between methods which (try to) reflect descent
> and modification and those who don't.
> Mendeleev's development of the Periodic Table (preceded by Dobriener's
> Triads and Newland's Octaves) was a "simple" taxonomy which has paid of
> richly, predicting function from structure long before the underlying
> "causes" were understood.   I can pretend to know their various motives in
> conjuring these "patterns" in the first place, but in the final analysis,
> they turned out to be quite useful.
> I share Doug's frustration with abstracting the abstractions ad absurdium,
> though perhaps not as acutely...
> I suspect that there is a evolutionary/survival value in  the almost
> obsessive-compulsive need some of us have to try to find structure in
> (impose on?) everything!    I don't know if it has been discussed here, but
> a theory was recently put forward that Ausperger-Autistic Spectrum Disorders
> might have origins in a similar manner... a "latent" or "vestigal" survival
> trait that is near the surface, ready to be expressed at the drop of a
> significant change in circumstances.   I'm not sure exactly where OCD or
> Autism is a hands-down survival quality for the individual, but it might
> very well be an important feature in the ensemble of characteristics in a
> group.  Idiot-Savants and all that.
> - Steverino
> ============================================================
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