
I find it interesting that we are having this conversation while comfortably seated  about 16 minutes from each other, and all the rest of FRIAM remains thuddingly silent.  Do you suppose we said something to offend them?
No, we just like the sounds of our own rattling/crotchety voices...   though we should be sharing a brew (or hot toddy) and holding the conversation in person instead.

I'm sitting here stoking my woodstove, waiting for the snow to cover my woodpile, and trying to stretch to one more level of abstraction before I go back to figuring out how to keep the cash flow positive without boring myself to death.

For you entertainment, Jack Horner, who just joined us, is almost exactly 1/2 way between us geographically.   He's probably halfway through genning up a set of conclusive ABM taxonomies single-handedly... he actually *does* stuff like that for fun, and he's shockingly good at it.   But I'm pretty sure nobody ever pays him to do such, though they have been known to publish it in various well-respected Journals (a currency of it's own sort).

He also writes a monthly "Practical Science" Column for the Rio Grande Sun, if you are ever inclined to read it.  I met the Editor at his house two weeks ago, he is practically your neighbor I think!

- Steve or Ino

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