A fascinating thing for me is that the amount of surprise (i.e.
information) is like the creating of a *knowledge gradient* that
compares in an interesting way to energy gradients within
thermodynamics.  And one might suggest that *observation* can
counter-act the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics by transforming an energy
gradient into observational/informational one.  E. g., the observation
of a fire-cracker exploding confers a large amount of information to
the conscious observer/listener (especially if they never knew of such
things) whilst the physical energy in the system has been dissipated.
This new type of gradient can't really be measured in the physical
sense as the brain has stored it as a *pattern*, so it sits orthogonal
to the physical one.  Further, this new [informational] gradient now
affects the behavior of the participant, so one might ask (again) what
is the relationship between consciousness and the evolution of the

Also, each fire-cracker explosion, whilst seemingly the same each
time, must be an exceedingly novel event at some level of perception
finer than cognition, otherwise it wouldn't seem that we would
continue to repeat it hundreds of times.  So the brain seems to be
parsing an enormous amount of information from each explosion....

There's probably a better example than a fire-cracker....


On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 7:09 AM, Tom Johnson <t...@jtjohnson.com> wrote:
> I certainly would be interested.  I have issues with Claude's work and what
> I think is its misconstrued application and definition, at least beyond
> physics.
> -tj

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