Merle, I missed your comment and you are certainly somebody to me!!!!


On Mar 3, 2014, at 11:12 PM, Merle Lefkoff <> wrote:

> I commented, and I'm utterly somebody, dear Pamela.
> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 7:20 AM, Pamela McCorduck <> wrote:
> Utterly nobody in FRIAM thought my question about the shift from government 
> led innovation to private sector led innovation was interesting enough to 
> comment on (even to acknowledge) but I’m going to forward this piece from 
> Dave Farber’s list which also addresses the issue and ask you again whether 
> you think this shift will have consequences.
>> From: John Day <>
>> Sent: Sun Mar 02 21:13:32 EST 2014
>> To:,
>> Cc:,
>> Subject: Re: [IP] Re Read re Losing a Generation of Scientists
>> Scott,
>> You have hit the nail on the head.  We are not doing fundamental research.  
>> The sciences are turning into craft.  Lee Smolin first brought this up about 
>> physics in the last 5 chapters of his book, "The Trouble with Physics."
>> In CS, we have this disease in spades and partly for the reasons you 
>> outlined below, the pursuit of the dollar.  I also think to some degree what 
>> I have come to characterize by paraphrasing Arthur C. Clark, 'Any 
>> sufficiently advanced craft is indistinguishable from science.'  We are so 
>> dazzled by the products of Moore's Law that we don't see that what we are 
>> doing is craft.
>> The trouble with craft is that it stagnates.
>> The classic example is Chinese "science" prior to Western contact.  See 
>> Needham's "Science and Civilization in China." To some degree, Needham ends 
>> up arguing (and most scholars agree) that 'science' in pre-Qing China was 
>> more technique or craft. There was no theory, no abstraction, no attempt at 
>> a theory that holds it all together.  (By their own admission, this problem 
>> still plagues China and India. There are the exceptions, but in general it 
>> is a recognized problem.)
>> By late Ming (17thC), it had pretty much stagnated and they were losing 
>> knowledge.  Needham says that it is because merchants (capitalists) were at 
>> the bottom of the heap.  The government power structure controlled 
>> everything.  I also believe it is because there was no Euclid.  There was no 
>> example of an axiomatic system.  The Holy Grail of a scientist is to do to 
>> his field what Euclid did to geometry.  Interestingly Heilbrun points out in 
>> his book on geometry book that the Greeks were the only ones to develop the 
>> concept of proof.  Other civilizations have mathematics, they have recipes, 
>> algorithms; but not proof.  Proof is at the root of building theory.  Theory 
>> gives the ideas cohesion, shows how they relate in ways you didn't expect, 
>> and shows you where the gaps in your knowledge are.  The quest for theory is 
>> more important to avoiding stagnation as the pull of capitalism.
>> Needham didn't live to see it.  But we now have the example of how the 
>> entrepreneurial drive leads to stagnation.  That drive is fine for 
>> exploiting *within* a paradigm, but it won't get you to the next one.  And 
>> we have seen the example of that as well.
>> And we are seeing the same stagnation in CS.  One sees the same the same 
>> papers on about a 5 years cycle.  The "time constants" have changed but they 
>> are the same papers.
>> Early CS was much more scientific.  We went about things much more 
>> methodically, we were more concerned with methodically understanding the 
>> fundamentals than just building something that worked.  (BTW to your 
>> comment:  We *did* do a lot of RJE on the early ARPANET.  We had many 
>> scientific users submitting jobs on particle physics, economics, weather 
>> simulation, etc.  However, we never saw it as the future.  We had much 
>> bigger ideas in mind, for distributed computing (ask Dave). It is really 
>> depressing that 40 years later, things really haven't moved anywhere.  The 
>> hardware is 10s of thousands times faster and bigger.  You are right.  We 
>> have re-labeled RJE, cloud computing,  and never gotten past the 
>> 3270/Mainframe days.)
>> You are right.  We do have to get back to this. And there I am afraid it 
>> gets disheartening.  We have 30 years of conditioning the field toward 
>> everything else but.  I don't see many who even when they say we need to do 
>> it, know how to do it.  We have selected against the ability for decades. I 
>> am even finding that CS students (and professors) have trouble with 
>> abstraction.  For a field that one could say was founded on abstraction, 
>> this is really scary.
>> Take care,
>> John Day
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> Merle Lefkoff, Ph.D.
> President, Center for Emergent Diplomacy
> Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
> mobile:  (303) 859-5609
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