Pamela -

I think there are *many* valid arguments up one side and down the other of this topic, just as the (false?) dichotomy between Art and Craft.

I also think that while there are arguments for the deep pockets of government, there are also arguments against it. I can't find a transcript yet but I remember Freeman Dyson giving one of his (anti) Big Science talks at LANL decades ago. It moved me, especially since he was NOT preaching to his choir at LANL. Actually, he had many acolytes for Tolstoyan vs Napoleonic Science (as I remember him describing the difference in funding) at LANL but they were individual (often young) researchers trying to pursue one dream or another, not the rank and file of mid-career scientists cum engineers/craftsmen nor especially the administration.

I also agree that the advent of computers, for all the wonderful things they have done (I came to LANL to build computerized control systems for the Proton storage ring and went on to eventually build VR systems to support scientific investigation into measured as well as simulated phenomena) have also changed the game in some not so good ways. They've changed the way people (including practicing scientists) think about science, sometimes for the better, often for the worse.

My daughter is a Virologist who fights *every day* with her boss/mentor and almost all of the other staff at her institution to stay on track with "science" while they are all listening to the siren song of drug discovery... she is working on characterizing many things regarding the mechanisms of viral invasion of cells (Dingue and West Nile) while her bosses and peers are trying to divert her work (they have already diverted their own) to simple drug discovery... because they will get both rich and famous from that, but will *rarely* advance the understanding or the science a single whit. Oh well!

- Steve
Merle, I missed your comment and you are certainly somebody to me!!!!


On Mar 3, 2014, at 11:12 PM, Merle Lefkoff < <>> wrote:

I commented, and I'm utterly somebody, dear Pamela.

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 7:20 AM, Pamela McCorduck < <>> wrote:

    Utterly nobody in FRIAM thought my question about the shift from
    government led innovation to private sector led innovation was
    interesting enough to comment on (even to acknowledge) but I'm
    going to forward this piece from Dave Farber's list which also
    addresses the issue and ask you again whether you think this
    shift will have consequences.

    *From:*John Day < <>>
    *Sent:*Sun Mar 02 21:13:32 EST 2014
    *To:* <>,
    *Cc:* <>,
    *Subject:*Re: [IP] Re Read re Losing a Generation of Scientists

    You have hit the nail on the head.  We are not doing fundamental
    research.  The sciences are turning into craft.  Lee Smolin
    first brought this up about physics in the last 5 chapters of
    his book, "The Trouble with Physics."

    In CS, we have this disease in spades and partly for the reasons
    you outlined below, the pursuit of the dollar.  I also think to
    some degree what I have come to characterize by paraphrasing
    Arthur C. Clark, 'Any sufficiently advanced craft is
    indistinguishable from science.'  We are so dazzled by the
    products of Moore's Law that we don't see that what we are doing
    is craft.

    The trouble with craft is that it stagnates.

    The classic example is Chinese "science" prior to Western
    contact.  See Needham's "Science and Civilization in China." To
    some degree, Needham ends up arguing (and most scholars agree)
    that 'science' in pre-Qing China was more technique or craft.
    There was no theory, no abstraction, no attempt at a theory that
    holds it all together.  (By their own admission, this problem
    still plagues China and India. There are the exceptions, but in
    general it is a recognized problem.)

    By late Ming (17thC), it had pretty much stagnated and they were
    losing knowledge.  Needham says that it is because merchants
    (capitalists) were at the bottom of the heap.  The government
    power structure controlled everything.  I also believe it is
    because there was no Euclid.  There was no example of an
    axiomatic system.  The Holy Grail of a scientist is to do to his
    field what Euclid did to geometry.  Interestingly Heilbrun
    points out in his book on geometry book that the Greeks were the
    only ones to develop the concept of proof.  Other civilizations
have mathematics, they have recipes, algorithms; but not proof. Proof is at the root of building theory. Theory gives the ideas
    cohesion, shows how they relate in ways you didn't expect, and
    shows you where the gaps in your knowledge are.  The quest for
    theory is more important to avoiding stagnation as the pull of

    Needham didn't live to see it.  But we now have the example of
    how the entrepreneurial drive leads to stagnation.  That drive
    is fine for exploiting *within* a paradigm, but it won't get you
    to the next one.  And we have seen the example of that as well.

    And we are seeing the same stagnation in CS.  One sees the same
    the same papers on about a 5 years cycle.  The "time constants"
    have changed but they are the same papers.

    Early CS was much more scientific.  We went about things much
    more methodically, we were more concerned with methodically
    understanding the fundamentals than just building something that
    worked.  (BTW to your comment:  We *did* do a lot of RJE on the
    early ARPANET.  We had many scientific users submitting jobs on
    particle physics, economics, weather simulation, etc. However,
    we never saw it as the future. We had much bigger ideas in mind,
    for distributed computing (ask Dave). It is really depressing
    that 40 years later, things really haven't moved anywhere.  The
    hardware is 10s of thousands times faster and bigger.  You are
    right.  We have re-labeled RJE, cloud computing,  and never
    gotten past the 3270/Mainframe days.)

    You are right.  We do have to get back to this. And there I am
    afraid it gets disheartening.  We have 30 years of conditioning
    the field toward everything else but.  I don't see many who even
    when they say we need to do it, know how to do it.  We have
    selected against the ability for decades. I am even finding that
    CS students (and professors) have trouble with abstraction.  For
    a field that one could say was founded on abstraction, this is
    really scary.

    Take care,
    John Day

    FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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Merle Lefkoff, Ph.D.
President, Center for Emergent Diplomacy
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA <>
mobile:  (303) 859-5609
skype:  merlelefkoff
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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