On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 04:30:23AM +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 02:06:19AM +0000, Thomas Adam wrote:
> > On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 02:43:13AM +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > > Why on earth do we have to repeat the mistake of the past by
> > > putting the version number in the project name *again*?  Every
> > > other project manages backwards incompatible releases just fine,
> > > only fvwm changes its name with each major release.  This just
> > > complicates things, and helps nobody.  That's what configure's
> > > binary suffix is for.
> > 
> > So what would you rather, and to what extent should this happen?
> See attached patch.  The Makefile.am need some tuning because some
> names are hard coded in install...local rules (FvwmCommand.sh,
> FvwmCommand.pm, xpmroot*, fvwm2*, message catalogs).  It's easy to
> firgure out; just configure with --prefix=some-private-dir, ass
> program-suffix and program-prefix, then install and see which
> files end up in the wrong place.

Right.  I'd forgotten that automake allowed for --program-{prefix,suffix} --
that makes things much easier.  So I'll rejig some things and use this.

I can see there's a few things which will need adjusting.  We won't need the
fvwm2 symlink at all since that would be misleading, surely?  The other parts
you've identified shouldn't be too difficult to fix.  I'm unsure what should
happen with the gettext files, and if they need namespacing at all.  I don't
make use of such things.

One observation I've got is:

> +transform=`echo "${program_transform_name}" | "$SED" -e 's/\\$\\$/\\$/'`
> +PPACKAGE=`echo "${PACKAGE}" | "$SED" -e "${transform}"`

Is this not what the option '--program-transform-name=program' is doing?  See:


-- Thomas Adam

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