On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 07:21:21PM +0200, Fr??d??ric Perrin wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using an AZERTY keyboard, and the keys above the lettres don't work
> the first time I start fvwm: the action bound to them isn't executed,
> and the windows that has the focus receives the keypress. If I simply
> restart fvwm (just fvwm, not X), they do work, without me doing anything
> else. This is on Linux ; the same config on FreeBSD works.
> I'm not using xbindkeys, nor anything that could interfer (as far as I
> can see). Anything else I can look into to see where this comes from ?

I've seen something similar, but after I found a work around I never
looked into it further.  When I start Xnest and then fvwm, the
keytable is blank except the couple additions I made in the
configuration file.  Now here is the strange part, if I start Xnest,
then am careful and press shift while fvwm is starting up, then the
keytable is fine.  An X reset also clears the good bit.  It's worth
noting that Fvwm complaints when the keytable is clear as I would
expect it to.
[fvwm][ParseBinding]: <<ERROR>> No such key: Escape
The problem persists if I give fvwm an empty config file as well, but
then as it happens when I run kde, it has to be something with the X
server not the window manager.

I'm not planning on looking into this myself, I just thought I would
suggest pressing a key and looking at
`xmodmap -pk |grep ..................` output before you press a key
and again after to see if it's related.

David Fries <da...@fries.net>
http://fries.net/~david/ (PGP encryption key available)

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