sorry for the broken thread, never use mailing list before,
hope this time it's good, will stop use it if not.

what i want to do:

a first dynamic menu list my cd drives.
those 'cd drives' entry popup a 'media' dynamic menu
in the 'media' dynamic menu i have a browser entry,
make iso entry, blank cd entry, track entry, etc.. which needs to popup menu
etc, etc..
i need to keep the name, and not only the name, i need to pass
a variable from menu to menu.

idealy my variable is kind of: bashFuncName_argToThisFunc
so the MissingSubmenuFunction give this variable (the $0) to a pipe for .sh 
wich call
bashFuncName "argToThisFunc"
the bashFuncName could now build a new menu containing whatever needed etc, 

and my basic browser is a good simple exemple of that, passing path from menu 
to menu.

hope it helps understand, not that easy..

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