> It's really complicated, but let me try to explain what's going
> on, in case we need to understand why I made the current patch -
> at some time in the distant future.

[Very thorough and enlightening explanation skipped.]

> Duh.
> Obviously vmplayer cannot handle this strange situation and ends
> up with no window mapped.

Thank you for this comprehensive explanation including references for further
reading (ICCCM2).

> As far as I understand it, HandleUnmapNotify() is broken at least
> since the day in 1998 when the fvwm sources were moved to CVS.
> I've spent much time thinking about this, reading the ICCCM2 and
> the Xlib manuals, and now I'm convinced that HandleUnmapNotify()
> must never unmap the client window itself.  (The *icon* window is
> a different story.)  However, since there's no documentation about
> this bit of code, it's hard to guess whether there are or were
> really broken clients that needed this buggy window manager
> behaviour.  Anyway, if there are such clients, they won't work on
> any modern window manager.
> Over the years there were several patches to fix problems caused
> by unmapping windows in HandleUnmapNotify, but none of us ever
> figured out the real bug for more than fifteen years.  :-/

So this fix of yours really seems to be a big step.

How would you judge its behavior concerning stability and side effects:
Would it be to risky to use it right away in a production system, aka
"testing under wild life conditions"?


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