On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 02:27:13PM -0600, Glenn Golden wrote:
> In any case, to put this particular sub-question to rest: I just started fvwm
> with "-f /dev/null" and got the same results as earlier described.  So again
> this seems to point away from anything having to do with my config setup.

Then check the system-wide configs to see if something else is doing it.
That's all it can be at this point.

> =============================================================================
>   WARNING: '/etc/xdg/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu' does not exist
>   Unknown 'Layout':
>       'HASH(0x856bd5c) Merge ARRAY(0x856bdec) Separator ARRAY(0x856bdbc) 
> Merge ARRAY(0x856be70)'

This is fixed in branch-2_6 in CVS.

>   [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from mini.folder.xpm
>   [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from mini.cat.xpm
>   [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from mini.folder.xpm
>   [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from mini.cat.xpm
>   [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from mini.folder.xpm
>   [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from mini.cat.xpm
>   [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from mini.folder.xpm
>   [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from mini.ofolder.xpm
>   [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from mini.ofolder.xpm
>   [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from mini.ofolder.xpm

These are due to you not having the wm-icons package installed.

What platform is this running on?  Check the fvwm package your distribution
is using; I still suspect they're calling fvwm-menu-desktop somewhere;
there's nothing else that can be doing it besides that.

-- Thomas Adam

"Deep in my heart I wish I was wrong.  But deep in my heart I know I am
not." -- Morrissey ("Girl Least Likely To" -- off of Viva Hate.)

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