Dave Hoover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Andrew wrote:
> > You will notice that Peter, Jason and Stephen are all accomplished
> >programmers and very bright too (one has written a scheme
> >interpreter, and at least one of them has a PhD). It is very hard for
> >a beginner programmer to compete with them.

That's a wonderful thing to read of someone's opinions of my skills.

> Those guys may be tough to compete with, but it's great to have people
> with that kind of talent in the competition, it keeps you looking for
> better solutions because you know they're one step ahead of you.

Indeed.  I never would have done as well as I did if Peter had not
been in the game.  The *drive* to find that one extra character
distracted me so much I didn't notice the competition had closed.

| The way you tell your story                 http://linux.org.au/conf/ |
| With no tears for yourself                           [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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