On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 07:02:11PM +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> programmer beginner. You will notice that Peter, Jason and
> Stephen are all accomplished programmers and very bright too
> (one has written a scheme interpreter, and at least one of
> them has a PhD). It is very hard for a beginner programmer
> to compete with them.

Not to mention the fastest log analyser in the west. :-)

I was actually wondering about whether people should post affiliations to
pm groups too? I'm part of cam.pm, as is Stephen. BooK is obviously part
of paris.pm, and Piers, a part of the infamous Buffy Worshippers... (I don't
know about others). Then it becomes a real team game. :-)


Matthew Byng-Maddick         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           http://colondot.net/

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