Hi Tom.

that sounds more along the lines of tabeltop wargames than the sort of tabletop rpg I was thinking of. I've never really had access to such things myself simply because overview o the board and the various units is a pain, ---- plus, while it's something I'd like to try, I will confess it doesn't quite rab my interest as much as the exploration, rpg style games like talisman or skull mountain.

One game I do! remember being awsome was atmosphere, where you played with the video of the gate keeper who also gave you lots of hastle throughout the game and created music. You played as various characters such as hellen the polterghist, elizabeth bathroy the vampire and barran samdi, and had to collect keys as you went around a board like a grave yard, awhile picking up various time and fate cards monopoly style.

the really interesting thing in atmosphere (apart from the creepy music provided by the video), was also the time limit, since there was a clock on screen and after an hour the gatekeeper won the game and everyone lost. There were even time cards that you could activate at certain times to steel keys off other players or similar.

Later varients of the game even had player battle mode and the like, though sadly everything was in print so I never really got that much access to the thing.

Beware the grue!


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