Hi Tom.

well wargaming is pretty much it's own genre anyway, indeed I know people that buy specific minitures and rule books for specific games, paint their own miniatures etc.

The only war game I've ever really fancied has been battletech, since that was based on having four or five mech units in play each of which had separate amo, damage, and various other stats so was more like a single character than just a unit in a big army.

I looked into it because at one point someone had created a java version and was trying to get it to work with swing, and Cx2, who used to be co admin of audiogames.net with me was very much a fan before he lost his site. Sadly the java version didn't work out which was a shame since it sounded an interesting system generally particularly with the detailed galactic history that went with it.

As regards war games more specifically i agree, particularly because from the sound of it the time of conflict upgrade is planned to create a full scale war game system that could be used to create maps and campeignes with all different sorts of units and on many different terrain types, not just modern day. I look forward to this particularly since I find the map overview and contextual menues in time of conflict some of the best designed I've seen, making it possible to play even in really large maps with hundreds of units and yet work efficiently.

With the board games specifically as I said, it was the rpg like ones such as talisman and the dwarf star games, not to mention games based on gamebooks like warlock of firetop mountain that really grabbed my interest, and that for the exploring as you may guess.

Beware the grue!


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