Hi John,
It is my belief that good accessibility always begins at the academic level. One thing we blind computer users face is young developers are just not taught how to create accessible software from day one. In the passed when i was enrolled at Wright State University they ran you through the basics, and out the door you go. There was no discussion how this or that application could be made accessible or a list of guidelines that should be met in order to insure a high level of accessibility. As a result most Windows applications are released and then adapted for our needs down the road through scripting, communication with the developers, etc. In other words fixing the problem after the fact. I am glad to say however that this is beginning to change. As you well know after Sun introduced the Java Swing toolkit accessibility has become a much higher priority for Java developers, and there is lots more documentation on access considerations than there were 10 years ago at this time. Apple has totally redesigned there Cocoa API for Mac OS so that accessibility is not an after thought but a core component of there user interface. That will pay off in the end because the Cocoa books I have read do at least cover accessibility considerations at some point. It also helps that voice over comes with Mac OS allowing developers to test the user interface before shipping said product. Ubuntu Linux also has adopted this design approach to accessibility and it is slowly but surely paying off. More and more Linux developers are becoming aware of access issues and are beginning to meet some level of accessibility out of the box now. It isn't perfect, but making access a core component brings it immediately to a developers attention. This idea of access first has been something Windows has lacked, and for that reason we have suffered for far too long. With games we find ourselves in the same boat. You can pick up any game programming book, and i can tell you at least 2/3 of the book is on graphics design and how to get the coolest eye candy. Very little is actually discussed about input and sound. You May get one possably two chapters on each. The rest is devoted to graphics, graphics, and more graphics. Perhaps if we want to really be successful we need to go to the source, the authors, teachers, and the people who influence a programmers early education. Contact the author who is writing the next Killer Games in C# and give him pointers about including Sapi 5 in his/her game examples to speak scores, maybe add more 3D audio, something to get him/her thinking about access issues. Then, a new game programmer will read and get ideas how he/she can help.

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