That's sadly true.

Another issue (much more in my end of research), does also seem to be that sinse the majority of Vi people are over the age of 65, the majority do not have that much interest in playing games.

I personally tend to think this is the reason why there is an intigrated forum and discussion of access for motion impared or hereing impared, ---- allbeit in a probably over generalized mana in places like retroremakes, and litle to no discussion of Vi access.

There are proportionally more younger people with motor or hereing imparements than Vi.

I one discussion on retroremakes about the Wii, where I stated that the mouse pointer Wii mote accessed menues both from a low vision and blind perspective were incredibly unhelpful when compared to the standard curser driven menues of the 16 and 32 bit consoles, where I was verbally told off rather sternly sinse people with Motor imparements were apparently finding the Wii mote accessed menues much more helpful, and that (in the minds of some members of that community), trumped low vision access.

Of course this isn't to say that motor access isn't a highly important concern, and one which should distinctly be addressed, but I do wonder if this is why Vi access appears slightly more specialized when compared to other access issues, and whether

This is also why more of a community has developed around Vi access issues than other forms of game access as your own survey showed.

Beware the Grue!


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