Ah, well, I get that here too. Whenever I try and tell some of my
younger relatives to write in English their responce is to "get with
the times." I don't think they quite understand that when spoken via
Jaws, Window-eyes, etc it is nothing but a confusing mess of letters
and numbers. As usual the screen reader takes the blame when it wasn't
designed to read that garbage, and nor should it have to if people
would learn to type proper words and sentenses.
In fact, when you typed "2ba" I thought you were refering to the
musical instrument, "tuba," and not "to be a." That's how unreliable
that kind of short-hand can be. So it would be pretty aweful if
everyone started writing that way on list.

On 7/17/10, Charles Rivard <woofer...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I've been trying to get people to quit writing that way by replying with
> something like, "What?  I don't understand you.  Try English?"  With Wee1's
> grand daughter, it's beginning to sink in that if she wants a reply from me,
> I have to know what she's talking about.  What's disgusting, though, is that
> her 36-year-old mom thinks that I should get with the times and learn what
> they're saying.  Even listening to JAWS over speakers does not show her what
> I'm talking about, because she says that it's the screen reader, not her
> typing.  I have asked her what word "2ba" is.  It is supposed to be "to be
> a", but she types it that way to save space when texting.  I still tell her
> to use English when typing to a blind person.
> ---
> Shepherds are the best beasts!

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