As I've said before I did always find it a bit sad that some of what I used to considder major developers sort of came and went in terms of what they were doing, the way that bsc, vip gameszone and draconis were as regular releasers as someone like Gma before other considderations got in the way.

This just does seem to be the way things work though, even jason Alan has had to backoff from entombed developement due to his work, though he stil is keeping going if slowly.

That being said, I think what you might call the core developers who work seriously and constantly has expanded more than people have drifted off, sinse I think were I listing the main developers now it'd probably have to include a good few more people such as Philip bennifall, jean-luc pontico with sound rts, and most recently Aprone aka Jeremy.

Heck, look at Airik the Clerric.

Someone wanders onto, and within a month we're looking hopefully at another pretty hefty game release.

So, while there are certainly people who've had to stop developing due to other commitments, the amount of people working seriously on games does seem to have expanded quite a lot, ---- particularly with the release of bgt.

Beware the grue!


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