I would just like to ask the moderators, or whoever is in charge of such 
things, that if my email is rejected due to size (I make mistakes, I'm human 
after all) that at least give me the email content back. 

This particular time it was an email I must have written  at least a week  ago 
if not longer. I have no idea what it was about, but I am sure it was game 
content considering the subject line.

I am only asking for a fair chance to correct my mistake and resend the email 
back fixed to the size limit. I feel this is a very reasonable request, that 
would far overshadow any  trouble it would take for the moderators or whoever 
is in charge of such things  to do. 

Thank you,

"The truth will set you free"
Jesus Christ of Nazareth 33A.D.
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