>>> On 7/10/2008 at 10:51 AM, in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Carlo
Marcelo Arenas Belon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 08:49:46AM -0600, Brad Nicholes wrote:
>> >>> On 7/9/2008 at 9:25 PM, in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Carlo
>> Marcelo Arenas Belon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > 
>> > I was specially interested in getting ganglia-rrd-modify.pl somehow
>> > distributed with ganglia, as it will be very useful as an aid for data
>> > migrations like the ones that AIX users might need when upgrading to 3.1
>> > (where the disk metric units has changed).
>> I agree, the ganglia-rrd-modify.pl would be a good addition.  But doesn't 
>> that 
> mean that we simply move it out of contrib/ and into scripts/ ?  Once we all 
> give it our +1's of course.
> scripts isn't part of the package either (it was never meant to anyway as it
> is only used for bootstrapping).
> I think adding contrib makes probably more sense (as is usually done in 
> other
> opensource packages), and as far as we clear the distribution of all those
> contributions of course with some nice looking legalese (which I think has
> been implicitly granted through the process of getting those files publicly
> to the list)
> either way, and just to be clear, I don't think this is 3.1.0 material and
> never proposed as such, specially if there is any chance it could somehow
> delay it.
> there is always the alternative as you pointed out of just referencing to
> those contributions through the web so they can be used (the README.contrib
> should be probably updated to include links for clarity) or just do without
> them (which I guess could really reduce the advantage of having a contrib
> at all and probably discourage some users on providing contributions for 
> it).

I'm OK with it either way.  If we add contrib/ to the package, then we should 
still have someplace where we put stuff that we like and think is valuable, but 
haven't approved yet.  Does that make sense?  However a download page on the 
wiki or some other kind of web directory listing might make it easier to 
reference for the user.


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