If you do an update to 3.3.2 could you also please make sure that the following files exist:


As with the 3.3.1 tar.gz file they don't exist thus preventing a "autoreconf -fiv" that I need to perform for all my additional Ganglia modules. Here is the code snippet from one of the SPEC files. This was not necessary with any previous version before.

%setup -q -n ganglia-%{version}
export PATH=/opt/freeware/bin:$PATH
# apply all necessary AIX patches
# apply the patch for the mod_ibmpower module
*# autoreconf seems to need this one
touch ChangeLog libmetrics/ChangeLog libmetrics/INSTALL*

export CC="xlc_r -U_AIX43"
export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/freeware/lib -Wl,-bmaxdata:0x80000000 -Wl,-brtl"
autoreconf -fiv
./configure \



On 03/08/2012 03:33 PM, Daniel Pocock wrote:

I notice that configure.in was only updated to 3.3.1 after the package
was put out on Sourceforge

This breaks the OpenCSW package build and may impact other people too

Can I propose a 3.3.2 release?

I was going to add a release manager document on the wiki, but I don't
have write access (can someone please help me with that).  Here are the
steps that I use with ganglia-modules-linux, I believe it is the same
for Ganglia now that git is in use, but any further feedback would be

a) review the changes from the last release (git diff 3.3.1 3.3.2) -
look for anything that might impact binary compatibility with existing
3rd party modules, etc

b) run git log (from the previous release) and note all the changes, add
them to the changelog (where is it now?  couldn't find it in git for

c) update monitor-core/configure.in, in particular:


and commit that change together with change log:

git add configure.in Changelog
git commit -m 'Prepare v3.3.2 release'
git push

d) clone the repo into a fresh directory, bootstrap, build a tarball:

git clone git:///github/ganglia ganglia-dist
cd ganglia-dist&&  ./bootstrap&&  ./configure&&  make dist

e) test the tarball

f) if the tarball is good, tag the clone

git tag -s -m 'Tag v3.3.2' 3.3.2
git push --tags

g) get a checksum of the tarball

sha256sum ganglia-3.3.2.tar.gz

h) upload the tarball to sourceforge

i) announce it on the mailing list, publish both the checksum and the
commit number of the tag, sign the email with the same PGP key used to tag

j) update other web sites (e.g. ganglia.info)

I'm sure that other optional steps could be added (e.g. more tests to
run on the tarball prior to distribution, building binary packages for
Debian/RH,...) but the steps above are probably the essential ones

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Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
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