Hi John:

On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 3:36 PM, John Martyniak
<j...@beforedawnsolutions.com> wrote:

> I for one, would love an official repository.  It has been a MAJOR headache
> getting Ganglia working.

Okay, I'll put that on my TODO list :-)

Can you share some general thoughts regarding why you feel it was a
major headache to get it working?  Was it because of lack of
documentation or other reasons?  How can we make it easier for it to
work for you?  We'd love to hear positive/negative feedback from you.

> The latest one on RPMForge and EPEL I saw was 3.0.7, do you know of any
> repository that has a good version of 3.1.x?

AFAIK RPMForge has never carried Ganglia.  It has carried RRDTool
which Ganglia depends on, but not Ganglia itself.

Yes, 3.0.7 is the latest version in EPEL.  Kostas could probably
provide more information but I believe the reason for this "lag" was
because the EL releases are supposed to be stable so they rarely make
major changes during the maintenance cycle.  On the other hand, the
official Fedora repositories would probably have the latest and



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