Thanks for the info, Sue.
I guess I misunderstood your web site. I will be using the dust sparingly for the Day 
geckos now. This pair of geckos have never been glowing with health, as they are now. 
I will back off on the dusting to once a week for them. And I will use the dust for my 
Fat Taileds and Leos.

  Hello Cyndy
Thanks for the kind words about our product.  One word of caution:  Our Performance 
Plus Gecko is a nutrient-dense product designed primarily for leopard and fattail 
geckos, and other species of their ilk, that are pushed for high performance 
(reproduction or growth). When developing the product with the excellent help of a 
breeder, I was amazed at the level of nutrients these geckos needed for optimal 
performance.   For longterm use in Phelsuma spp I suggest using it sparingly or 
blending it with our General Insectivore Dust or perhaps our Low Vitamin-D3 Dust.  

My thinking behind this suggestion is that given the natural history of Phelsuma 
compared to, say, leopard geckos, one might predict that the Phelsuma have lower 
metabolic rates, hence lower calorie needs (but this is a guess, no controlled data). 
We try to balance our dusts on a calorie basis (ie xx mg nutrient per calorie of 
metabolizable energy). The nutrient density per calorie is higher in Perf Plus than in 
the other dusts I mentioned. 

We haven't yet done the necessary feeding trials to test Perf Plus longterm in 
Phelsuma.  So proceed with caution and I can make up something lower powered to blend 
with the Perf Plus as needed.

Thanks listers for all the good info on this list.  It's a pleasure to lurk when AOL 
manages to actually send me list messages (I seem to miss one out of three, thus go to 
the archives when I have time).

best regards,
Susan Donoghue, VMD, DACVN
Owner, Nutrition Support Services, Inc.
HerpNutrition at Walkabout Farm


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