Hi Mike---

From my perspective it seems that both prolapses were the gecko's "automatic" response to initial sand ingestion.  Jurassic Reptile Sand was found on x-ray the first time.  I can tell you that there was not much sand in either case.  In each case the stools were passed a couple weeks post prolapse.  This Oc is anticipating a good breeding season this year, I hope.

As those old threads said, this animal is a mature 15 gram female Oedura castelnaui, a northern velvet gecko.  At the time she was kept on a recommended substrate of 65% peat moss/35% Jurassic Reptile Sand.  Her hide had a 50/50 mixture of peat moss and Jurassic Reptile Sand.  I have changed her primary substrate to 100% peat moss, but may keep that hide box with a 50/50 mixture.  It was suggested to me that since this Oc was in a breeding state, perhaps she was deficient in calcium.  During future breeding seasons I'll always keep a small dish of calcium in her cage and those cages of other breeding Oc females.

Jurassic Reptile Sand has smooth granules.  As we note even JRS has caused problems when accidentally ingested.  Be certain to check out any potential sand you wish to use under a microscope.  Sand often contains silica crystals which have pointy edges.  Silica sand will accumulate in the gut.  By the time problems are discovered it is too late to rectify them.

ONE EXCEPTION:  I have had no problems using Jurassic Reptile Sand from day one till the end with Pachydactylus tigrinus!

If anyone has other info, please chime in.  Every day I hope to learn more about geckos.


Subj: Re: [gecko]Sand impaction
Date: 3/24/04 8:50:17 AM Pacific Standard Time
From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (maleldil)


Elizabeth, I found one of your old threads on prolapses. You mentioned that
your geckos were kept on Jurassic sand and that the passed stool contained
small amounts of this sand. I wanted to know if you still keep your geckos
on this bedding or if you have moved to something else. I know Stacy
apparently keeps her geckos on this sand. Since we don't have Jurassic sand
in Canada (unless someone knows otherwise) I was thinking of getting the
finer sand from one of the pet stores (like the Exo-terra or whoever makes
the fine stuff). I am using regular sand now.


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