Hi Jim,

Jim Jagielski wrote on 2011-06-06 22.20:
I replied on the TDF ML about #3 which, from my reading (and
from what I have been told by entities both within and outside
of Oracle) requested the "infrastructure" which was later
clarified to mean servers, various hardware, access to
private Oracle infrastructure, etc... Which I also think
Oracle would have balked at as well...

Had TDF requested just #1 and #2, as well as a more liberal
license,*maybe*  things would have been different... but
who knows. Those sorts of questions do more to retard progress
than advance it...

We are here... let's continue moving forward!

your interpretation of #3 is wrong. It reads "available for transfer", and emphasizes that by "into The Document Foundation's infrastructure". There is not a single word about hardware wanted.

Being the person in charge of our infrastructure, together with our team, I confirm we would not have needed any additional hardware. We have all we need, everything works like a charm and we still have lots of space and resources free.


Florian Effenberger <flo...@documentfoundation.org>
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