Hello fellow devs, users and Gentoo community.

The election for the Gentoo Foundation trustees has started. The nomination period started today and lasts until Tuesday, February 12th. The election polls will be open from Wednesday February 13th to Wednesday 27th. The elected trustees start their term on March 1st.

The election officials are Ɓukasz Damentko[1], Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto[2], and Richard Freeman[3]. The infrastructure team contact for the election is Shyam Mani[4]. The election officials have published a page[5] with all the information on the election including lists of voting members of the Gentoo Foundation.

* [5] - http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/elections/foundation-200802.xml

To nominate a candidate, join the gentoo-nfp[6] mailing list. Trustee nominations are open to the public; voting is limited to eligible voters. Send all your nominations, acceptances and feedback to the gentoo-nfp list[7]. The election officials have published on their page lists of current Foundation members[8] and of eligible current devs[9].

* [6] - http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/lists.xml
* [7] - http://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-nfp/
* [8] - http://dev.gentoo.org/~jmbsvicetto/trustees-election/gentoo-foundation-members * [9] - http://dev.gentoo.org/~jmbsvicetto/trustees-election/eligible-active-devs-sorted

We ask all Foundation members and current devs to check if they are in the correct lists and to confirm their details. In particular, devs should check if they don't lack a join date in the ldap record[10]. To check one's details, a dev should logon to dev.gentoo.org and run "perl_ldap -s <nick>". Check infra's documentation for more info on Gentoo LDAP service[11] and concrete examples[12] on how to change attributes.

* [10] - http://dev.gentoo.org/~jmbsvicetto/trustees-election/missing-join-date
* [11] - http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/infrastructure/ldap.xml
* [12] - http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/infrastructure/ldap.xml#doc_chap3

If you have any doubts about the election or any corrections to the page and lists, contact the election officials.

For the election officials,

Jorge Vicetto (jmbsvicetto) - jmbsvicetto at gentoo dot org
Gentoo-forums / Userrel / SPARC / KDE

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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