On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 01:41:29PM +0100, Dhruba Bandopadhyay wrote:
> Web:
> Options: apache,apache2,boa,etc

Apache. It is one of the fastest and best community supported servers
out there... 

> Mail:
> Options: courier-imap,cyrus,etc

courier. VERY easy to use. Install it and never touch it again...

> Options: sendmail,postfix,ssmtp,etc

exim. It is not as popular as some of the other choices, but I have been
using exim on all of my projects for years. From my own personal server
stuff to production servers that handle a ton of mail. exim has been
easy to setup and has more features then most people ever need. It also
has a great community following with lots of people to help.

> Database:
> Options: postgresql,mysql,etc

mysql. Most popular and easy to use. If you don't know how to use
MySQL directly, install apache, php, and mysql. Then get phpMyadmin.


It will make your life easier.

> IRCd:
> Options: ?

dancer-ircd. Again, this was a simple install and never touch again...

> FtpD:
> Options: Proftpd,ftpd,etc

proftpd. Tons of options. Config file follows the same style as the
Apache configs. 

> /usr/portage/ sharing:
> Options: NFS,NIS,etc
> If you have additional comments on any of them such as why you would 
> choose courier-imap over cyrus or why postfix over sendmail that would 
> also be appreciated.

As far as the "whys" go, it's mainly because these packages were what I
started with, so I am more comfortable with them. If you have any
specific questions on any of the above, let me know...


  Matthew Daubenspeck

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