Hi Paul,

Thanks for your advice.

- snip -

I have


on CD2 (I have 2 Gentoo-1.4 CD version)

I have no idea how to install them simultaneously.  Nor whether they
have to be installed separately.

Kindly advise.


section 25.1 applies for those with GRP... but those packages apply to a particular snapshot taken back in September and the portage tree has very likely changed by now if that's what you are using.

Followed by:


which tells you how to get X up and running and also how to get KDM and KDE going.

"Gentoo Linux 1.4 Installation Instructions" is a very nice document. I followed it to install Gentoo.

At time of installation from CD1, I completed Code listing 25.2 but failed to complete 25.1 and 25.3
# emerge - xfree
# emerge -k kde
running without end. Finally I force-rebooted the PC.

Besides my PC for this test is a slow machine, P-II350/256MB therefore I expect to know whether it is possible to make use of those pre-compile packages on CD2. I suppose all of them have been copied to my OS after completing Code listing 25.2

# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
# cp -a /mnt/cdrom/packages/* /usr/portage/packages/

Can I apply following command to install all kde packages simultaneously;

# emerge /usr/portage/packages/kde-3.1.2.tbz2 | /usr/portage/packages/kde-env-3-r2.tbz2 | /usr/portage/packages/kdeaddons-3.1.2.tbz2 | etc.

You will encounter a little bugette which can be solved by reading the following:


now short of actually coming round and doing it for you, these should do the trick.

Noted with thanks

Please make sure that you actually read all of the instructions

Personally I would recommend that you install the whole shebang from scratch if you really want to use the GRP packages,

Please provide me more information how to install "the whole shebang from scratch"

then you can do an "emerge synch" to update your tree. For this you _WILL_ require CD1.

Whether you meant starting the PC with CD1, mounting root device, connecting broadband, chroot, etc and then running

# emerge synch



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