On Fri, 06 May 2005 14:15:03 -0400 "Eric S. Johansson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
| > I think cherokee can do most of those. Oh, and whatever you do, stay
| > away from monkeyd.
| I've just installed the ebuild for Cherokee but I can't find the
| documentation (only generic install and README).  I've also looked on 
| the web site and the documentation
| isn't apparently there.

Uh, yeah, the docs aren't one of cherokee's strong points :)

Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (Vim, Shell tools, Fluxbox, Cron)
Mail            : ciaranm at gentoo.org
Web             : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm

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