On Sat, 22 May 2010 20:51:35 -0400
Kenneth Prugh wrote:

> On Sat, 22 May 2010 20:43:54 -0400
> David Relson <rel...@osagesoftware.com> wrote:
> > [...]
> > r...@osage ~ # eselect java-vm list
> > Available Java Virtual Machines:
> >   [1]   emul-linux-x86-java-1.6 
> >   [2]   sun-jdk-1.6  system-vm
> >   [3]   sun-jre-bin-1.6 
> > 
> > For all 3 packages, version is installed.
> > 
> > Manually emerging ant-junit pulls in ant-core as a dependency which
> > fails in the manner previously reported, i.e. 
> How about `java-check-environment`, does it report as sane?

It's not happy.  It says to install ant-junit (see first attachment),
which fails (see second attachment).
r...@osage ~ #java-check-environment
 * === Java Environment Checker ===
 * The purpose of this script is to check the sanity of your Java Environment.
 * We have significantly changed and improved the way Java is handled in many
 * respects.
 * Please refer to our upgrade guide for details:
 * http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/java/java-upgrade.xml

 * Checking fastjar ... [ ok ]

 * Checking vm_environment_files ... [ ok ]

 * Checking user_settings ... * Running as root. Don't need to check user 
 [ ok ]

 * Checking generation_1_system_vm ... [ ok ]

 * Checking java_config_1 ... [ ok ]

 * Checking global_classpath ... [ ok ]

 * Checking virtual_provides ... [ ok ]

 * Checking overlays_eclasses ... [ ok ]

 * Checking package_env ...!!! ERROR: Package ant-junit was not found!
 * Broken dependencies for
 * Please try emerge -uD1 =
 [ !! ]

 * Some problems were found. Please follow the instructions above, and rerun 
r...@osage ~ # emerge -uD1 ant-junit

 * IMPORTANT: 1 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
 * Use eselect news to read news items.

Calculating dependencies ... done!
>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>> Starting parallel fetch
>>> Jobs: 0 of 2 complete, 1 running                Load avg: 0.24, 0.10, 0.05
>>> Emerging (1 of 2) dev-java/ant-core-1.8.1
>>> Jobs: 0 of 2 complete, 1 running                Load avg: 0.24, 0.10, 0.05
>>> Failed to emerge dev-java/ant-core-1.8.1, Log file:
>>> Jobs: 0 of 2 complete, 1 running                Load avg: 0.22, 0.10, 0.05
>>>  '/var/log/portage/dev-java:ant-core-1.8.1:20100523-005423.log'
>>> Jobs: 0 of 2 complete, 1 running                Load avg: 0.22, 0.10, 0.05
>>> Jobs: 0 of 2 complete, 1 running, 1 failed      Load avg: 0.22, 0.10, 0.05
>>> Jobs: 0 of 2 complete, 1 failed                 Load avg: 0.22, 0.10, 0.05

 * CPV:  dev-java/ant-core-1.8.1
 * REPO: gentoo
 * USE:  amd64 elibc_glibc kernel_linux multilib userland_GNU
!!! ERROR: Package ant-junit was not found!
 * Unable to determine VM for building from dependencies:
NV_DEPEND: >=virtual/jdk-1.4
        !dev-java/ant-optional  >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1  source? ( 
app-arch/zip ) 
 * ERROR: dev-java/ant-core-1.8.1 failed:
 *   Failed to determine VM for building.
 * Call stack:
 *             ebuild.sh, line   48:  Called pkg_setup
 *             ebuild.sh, line 1346:  Called java-pkg-2_pkg_setup
 *     java-pkg-2.eclass, line   63:  Called java-pkg_init
 *   java-utils-2.eclass, line 2126:  Called java-pkg_switch-vm
 *   java-utils-2.eclass, line 2550:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *                              die "Failed to determine VM for building."
 * If you need support, post the output of 'emerge --info 
 * the complete build log and the output of 'emerge -pqv 
!!! When you file a bug report, please include the following information:
and of course, the output of emerge --info
 * The complete build log is located at 
 * The ebuild environment file is located at 
 * S: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-core-1.8.1/work/apache-ant-1.8.1'

 * IMPORTANT: 1 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
 * Use eselect news to read news items.

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