On 5/23/10, David Relson <rel...@osagesoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi Arttu,
> The portage tree is fine, AFAICT.  emerge finds the ebuild, but
> the emerge fails.  Removing "--jobs 4" doesn't change the result.

Ok, then that could be discarded as just some wild speculation.

Next idea, how about just marking a single arch:

> ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"

I don't know if the java ebuilds, eclasses and wrapper-scripts are
wise enough to figure out the correct dependencies with such keywords.
I could imagine some part might figure out the arch as x86, but then
your system vm would be set to the x86_64 vm, i.e., no x86 system vm
set ... (again, just some more wild speculation ;) )

Arttu V.

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