On 8/2/05, Michael Crute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Using the tcp flag when you mount should override the default behavior for
> nfs to use udp. I'm not sure if its strictly necessary but what the heck, it
> can't hurt.
>  -Mike

That's what I thought also. However, even though I can see the server
is listening on tcp it seems to still have a udp component:

dragonfly ~ # netstat -lp | grep nfs
tcp        0      0 *:nfs                   *:*                     LISTEN -
udp        0      0 *:nfs                   *:* -
dragonfly ~ #

This side is the mythbackend server which is mounting the remote NFS
partition. The remote nfs server looks the same way.

What I can't figure out yet is how to be sure the actual mount
happened using tcp. Sure, I placed it in the mount command in fstab:

dragonfly ~ # cat /etc/fstab | grep video
myth14:/video           /video          nfs            
auto,user,rw,_netdev,tcp,rsize=8192  0 0
dragonfly ~ #

but how do I know it's being used? And how do I know that the rsize
option is being used?


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