Alan McKinnon wrote:
Portage can deal with a pure kde-4.5.x to 4.6.0 upgrade, the blockers are all
soft ones so they just get automagically dealt with.

But kbluetooth has this gem:


Oops. Blocks kdelibs. Basically nothing can proceed but portage doesn't know
that so it dumps about 300 lines of errors on-screen. And the poor user has to
sift through all of that to find the root cause. It's there, just hidden right
in the middle of all the other junk on screen

Do you have k3b installed? I tried to install it here, it was a blocker earlier so I -C'd it, and it appears k3b wants a older version of qt stuff and KDE 4.6 wants the new versions of qt stuff. I have not been able to work around this yet but would love to know if it is doable yet.


:-)  :-)

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