"W.Kenworthy" <bi...@iinet.net.au> writes:

> I have this device and am using Firmware: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (08/07/10) std
> - its been totally stable since I dumped the buffalo firmware.  My son
> plays windoze online games and I often move large files around as well
> as stream mythtv across it - no problems at all.  Until I started
> powering the systems down at night (power charges went up :) it would
> stay up for over a month at a time and it was never a crash as to why it
> was restarted - usually power, or reconfiguration.

Sorry to bug you again after already asking about logs, but I'm having
trouble really telling much about the system at dd-wrt.com/wiki.

Can you set it up so that logs are mailed rather than sent to syslog?

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