On Thu, 12 May 2011 10:51:32 -0400, Indi wrote:

> > If it's as good as everyone says, what more support did it need? Did
> > the KDE guys come knocking on your door to remove it, or do it
> > remotely (Android anyone?), or did it just keep working?

> That argument is probably valid when limiting the scope of the
> discussion to gentoo, but the only use I ever had for kde3 was 
> for non-techie users who wouldn't know whether to poop or go 
> blind if they click on something and nothing happens

So install a distro that still supports KDE3 if that's what you want or
need. KDE 3.5.10 is still there, it hasn't been withdrawn from the
shelves. You're hardly likely to use Gentoo for such users, so lack of
core support for 3.5 in Gentoo is not an issue either.

Neil Bothwick

Suborbital Ballistic-Propulsion Engineer
Not Exactly A Rocket Scientist

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