On Mon, 08 Aug 2005 23:40:36 +0200
Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello!
> What filesystem(s) do you recommend for use on a notebook?
> I'm looking for a FS that's fairly stable even if all of a
> sudden the power goes away (battery empty) and one, that
> also doesn't (overly) unneccesarily spin up the hard drive.

Any journaling filesystem is going to spin up the drive or keep it spinning.
And unless your drive is one of the 7200 rpm drives, it's still not the energy
hog that the LCD is.

> I don't think that I'll use Reiser4, as it's lacking an
> online fs resizer. At least making the fs bigger should be
> doable while the FS is mounted.

You're asking for Enterprise server features for a laptop?

fwiw - I use XFS on my laptop.  It survives fine with power going away.
But, if all the data is in the buffer and the drive is spun down, having the
power die will cause lost data regardless of filesystem.

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