Alex Schuster wrote:
Am 30.07.2011 01:06, schrieb Dale:
I'm just curious as to how much longer dd is going to take.  I wish it
has some sort of a progress bar or something.  :/
Find the PID of the dd process with ps ax | grep [d]d or somethhing,
then kill -USR1<pid>. This will dd output how far it is.

BTW, I like how the threads tend to soon have nothing to do with the
subject lately.


Thanks for the info.  It was far enough along I think.

Actually this thread is still on the same topic as before. This is related to the issue I had with Firefox and a kernel panic. The thread just developed as things were tried and ruled out.

I'm just hoping this drive will work and no more panics. If it still does, this thread may live a while longer yet. :-(


:-)  :-)

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