Mick wrote:
On Saturday 30 Jul 2011 01:32:07 Dale wrote:
Alex Schuster wrote:
Am 30.07.2011 01:06, schrieb Dale:
I'm just curious as to how much longer dd is going to take.  I wish it
has some sort of a progress bar or something.  :/
dcfldd has a progress indicator AFAIR.

To make sure that your dd speed is maxed out for the drive that you are dd-ing
on, you need to run some tests with different block sizes:

dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=1000000 of=/tmp/1G_file.txt
dd if=/dev/zero bs=2048 count=500000 of=/tmp/1G_file.txt
dd if=/dev/zero bs=4096 count=250000 of=/tmp/1G_file.txt
dd if=/dev/zero bs=8192 count=125000 of=/tmp/1G_file.txt

On my 500G drive 2048 gives the best speed.

Then set bs=2048 or whatever is faster on yours when you run the dd command.

I finally stopped it. It was almost done. Here is the update for this weird kernel panic problem. I did the dd thing. I created my partition like I had before and put ext4 on it this time. I restored the stuff I had backed up to the drive and then downloaded some videos to test the thing. It downloaded just fine. No panic or even a burp.

What could have caused this? Could it be a file system problem? I don't think it is a physical failure since it is working now after giving it a fresh start. I just don't get how this could have caused a kernel panic. This is plain weird.

Would love to hear some thoughts on what caused this problem given the fix.


:-)  :-)

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