On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 3:05 PM, Mike Edenfield <kut...@kutulu.org> wrote:
> On Thursday, September 15, 2011 11:16:03 PM Joost Roeleveld wrote:
>> On Thursday, September 15, 2011 04:42:23 PM Mike Edenfield wrote:
>> > I would estimate that the vast, vast, vast majority of users are those
>> > such as myslelf, who have no opinion whatsoever, and either will not be
>> > affected at all by these changes (because they don't separate / and
>> > /usr), or will simply apply the proposed initramfs solution and move
>> > on.
>> You also don't have /var (or /var/log) seperated? Or any of the other parts
>> of the filesystem that might be required by udev-rules?
> Speaking solely for myself, no. Years ago I routinely split /, /usr, and /var
> when setting up my FreeBSD systems, and found that it only ever caused
> problems when I could not get /usr or /var mounted when I needed them.
> At least since I switched to Gentoo, I've simply set up one partition with
> everything on it, and kept regular backups in case of failure.
> I clearly recognize that there are valid reasons to split your partitions, I
> have just never found any of them applicable to my situations.
> --Mike

My first response to this 300+ post thread, and only to say that in
something like 15 years of playing with & using Linux I've never split
/usr & no longer split /var. I also don't use LVM or anything fancy
like that. I just keep backups and use them if there's a failure. Life
is pretty simple.

My suspicion is that by far most casual desktop users of Linux, Gentoo
based or not, run pretty much this way and will be unaffected by this
whole change and as such have no reason to post.

As for the initrd stuff, I'd welcome a way to have one built
automatically as part of the kernel build/install. My experience with
software RAID has been such that I often cannot get a new RAID to boot
without it so having one that's up to date and 'just there' (@tm)
would be fairly cool from my POV.

My only & last post on this thread.


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