On 10/23/11 16:52, Florian Philipp wrote:
> Am 23.10.2011 23:36, schrieb Michael Sullivan:
>> Hello.  I recently purchased a Hauppauge WinTV-HVR external TV card.
>> I'm trying to get it to work with Gentoo Linux.  I think I've followed
>> the steps found at
>> http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_WinTV-HVR-1900 correctly,
>> but I'm still getting errors.  When I plug the TV card into the USB slot
>> in the back of the computer and search dmesg, it says:
> [...]
>> I've emerged linuxtv-dvb-firmware and reissued the above command with no
>> change.  How do I get Gentoo to recognize this card?
>> -Michael Sullivan-
> Try media-tv/ivtv-firmware. For some reason, that works better for me.
> And also media-tv/ivtv-utils.
> BTW: If your HVR behaves the same as my old PVR2, it can sometimes help
> to suspend and wake the system to get it working.

I suspended the system, but now I can't wake it up again!  I hit the
power button, and I heard a sound through the speakers similar to an
error sound.  I would say a barb sound, but I doubt any of you would be
able to make sense of it.  The only visual output of that computer is a
video output component going to the TV set.  I work on that computer
through ssh from another one in another room.  Should I just restart it
manually?  If not, how do I wake it up?

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