Willie Wong <wwong <at> math.princeton.edu> writes:

> > It makes gcc-4.5.3 use a newer method to detect parallelism, thus
> > (potentially) makes programs compiled by gcc to have better multithreaded
> > performance.

> Now, why can't the USE descriptions be like the kernel option
> descriptions and have something like what Pandu wrote included? 

I added this to root's  .bashrc a long time ago:

# USE flag settings hack by Ciaran McCreesh:
explainuseflag(){ sed -ne "s,^\([^ ]*:\)\?$1 - ,,p" $(portageq
portdir)/profiles/use.{,local.}desc; }
alias ef="explainuseflag"

Then simply use the alias for a quick check to learn about all the different
uses of a given flag:

'ef graphite'

# ef graphite
Enable support for non-Roman fonts via media-gfx/graphite2
Enable support for non-Roman fonts via media-gfx/graphite2
Add support for the framework for loop optimizations based on a polyhedral
intermediate representation

Then drill down into the a specific package's use flag meaning, using the
aforementioned 'equery u' delineated by Albert.



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