On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 10:57 AM, Allan Gottlieb <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 07 2012, Michael Mol wrote:
>> Stupid question...might your firewall be dropping packets? Check your
>> firewall logs.
>> Similarly, is there a difference in network connectivity between the
>> machine that works and the two that don't?
>> Also similarly, is the mfp on the wireless network along with the
>> functioning box, while the two nonfunctioning boxes are on the wired
>> side of your network? In that case, firewall and protection mechanisms
>> on the router might be interfering.
> My home network is very simple
> cable modem  --> linksys wet54g
> The 4 wired ports are connected to
>     1.  ss:     The officejet with the "problem"
>     2.  lj:     An irrelevant laserjet
>     3.  allan:  The desktop.  Can print and scan (amd64)
>     4.  ajglap: Main laptop.  Can print, but not scan (~amd64)
> Wireless connections from the linksys to various devices including
>     oldlap:  backup laptop (~amd64)
> Yesterday I removed all printers from oldlap and reinstalled the
> officejet via hp-setup.  It could neither print nor scan
> Today I removed all printers from oldlap and reinstalled the officejet
> via CUPS.  It can print, but xsane reports no devices available.
> Both days oldlap can ping the officejet using URL:

OK, here's the order I'd tackle this in:

1) Get ajglap able to scan.
2) Test ajglap on the wireless, see if it's still able to scan.
3a) If ajglap can still scan, then the router is not getting in the
way. Use the same procedure as in (1) to get oldlap working.
3b) If ajglap can no longer scan, then the router (which is probably
doing arp and nd proxy, or possibly some form of layer 2 bridging) is
hanging things up somehow.

For getting ajglap to scan, I'd want to know the output of eix for the
installed xsane packages on both ajglap and allan. Purpose: See the
installed versions and USE flags.

Depending on the results of that, I'd want to use wireshark to look
for mdns traffic, or any other traffic incidental to scan attempts.
I'd want to see what packets which show up during success cases, and
I'd want to see what (if any) packets show up during failure cases.


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