On 03/18/2013 08:05 PM, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Mar 2013 19:16:52 -0400 Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>>> On 03/18/2013 04:38 PM, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
>>>>> It can write but forces html onto users,
>>> You seem to miss some of the details.
>> About that. See the attachment. It's a screenshot of the setting in
>> K-9 where you can select composition methods. I took the screenshot
>> on my own phone. (And then ran it through pngcrush -brute in
>> deference to ML bandwidth...)
> I knew that perfectly well??

You say 'It can write but forces html onto users'. So I pointed out
that, no, it doesn't.

So I take it you're complaining that *other peoples'* HTML clients force
HTML on you. That's a complete and total abdication of responsibility on
your part!

You can ignore these people if you wish. You can ignore the HTML parts
of emails if you wish. You can defang incoming emails if you wish. You
have no obligation to do any more than the minimum required for you to
selectively ignore emails with data you don't want.

> You even missed the quote?

If you're going to call me out for ignoring things, missing things or
simply not  knowing things, please highlight what it is. "the quote"
isn't very enlightening in this context. You have a nasty habit of
referencing things without inlining them or referencing them directly,
and this has gotten in the way of clear communication *multiple* times
over the last week.

> I only wrote two lines and you still missed it

I respond to what's written in the email I'm replying to, because that's
what I've just read, and that's the context of the email.

> never mind the examples I had given in my original mail that do not
> only apply to remote content and that you wrongly interpreted.

Honestly, I never expected you to be up in arms over being exposed to
HTML syntax.

I presumed you were concerned about libpng, libjpeg, swf and gif. I
presumed you were concerned about privacy concerns. Those are what most
people who gripe about HTML email security are concerned with.

Being concerned with HTML syntax is a new one.

Being angry with mail clients for allowing people to send emails you
don't want to read? That'd ridiculous.

> There is a security saying.
> Assumption is the mother of all f....

Try including more context, and I won't have to assume as much or as often.

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