On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 05:39:15PM +0000, Stroller wrote
> Decide whether or not you need a new PC and make a new post -
> UEFI/secureboot is irrelevant to poor YouTube performance.

  I may not have been as clear as I wanted to be.  With the increase in
my download speed, the bottleneck to Youtube/etc performance is now my
PC.  I *HAVE* decided to replace it.  The only question is with what.

  As per the subject line, I'm asking if current Dells have any
showstoppers for Gentoo.  If not, I'll probably go with a Dell.  My
usage patterns may be different from yours, but Dells have lasted more
years for me than other brands or custom-built machines.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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