On 09/07/2013 18:54, Joseph wrote:
> How to design a sticky note pop-up when file is present?
> I would like to check if file is present via and open a terminal window
> with a simple message.
> I think a simple bash script and a cron job would do the trick or is
> there a better solution?
> I've tried cron + bash script
> cron:
> 32 10 * * * sh /home/joseph/xp_share/wall.sh
> wall.sh
> terminal
> wall file ready
> When I open terminal and type: "terminal" new windows pops up
> But if close all the terminals and run wall.sh script the terminal will
> not open.
> I get an error message: (terminal:24945): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open
> display:

You want inotify for this.

You are polling something to discover if it's there, what yu really want
to do is let the kernel notify you when the event you are interested in

There are many tools out there that interface with the kernel's inotify

Alan McKinnon

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